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Saturday 23 February 2013

Cute cute IA Vocaloid!!!

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {05:47}

Monday 4 February 2013

My favourite pokemon!!!! PIKACHU/ピカチュウ
 rin/len cute pikachu!! yawn!!
 to aru kagaku no railgun pikachu!!  
Yugioh!Time to duel pikachu!! chu!!
 Angry pikachu.....
 lazy pika family!!
Happy Fun pika!! 
Fighting pikachu!!!

pikapika chu!!!!

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {05:56}

Sunday 3 February 2013

Cheshire Cat question mark cold story?
warning for some people not to see this post! 
......... what?

what just happen?....

here your Answer!
you have waste your time looking at this post lol! so cold...

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {08:10}

anything want GOES!!! Yeah!!!!

Have a anything goes day!!!!

about me

This blog will contain anything see in my life JOY/maddness anime hero and everything hope you enjoy in this blog :) yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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January 2013
February 2013