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Thursday 31 January 2013

Sendou Aichi main three blaster!!!!!!!!

blaster blade/ブラスター・ブレード
blaster dark/ブラスターダーク
  Majesty lord blaster/マジェスティ・ロードブラスター
 Light and shadow become one...and then true power is born! I ride, Majesty Lord Blaster!
 光と影は一つになって...その後真の力が生まれる!ライド! マジェスティ·ロードブラスター!

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {06:43}

Monday 28 January 2013


GO forth and destroy, my avatar! cleave with your sword of darkness!
 Ride Blaster dark!
殲滅(せんめつ)せよ 僕の分身!ライド!漆黒の剣(つるぎ)でなぎ払え!

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {06:45}

Sunday 27 January 2013

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {06:57}

Time pass by very fast do anything you want before you die or old haha.........

everything is a lies/madness when your life is real joy/horror {06:54}

anything want GOES!!! Yeah!!!!

Have a anything goes day!!!!

about me

This blog will contain anything see in my life JOY/maddness anime hero and everything hope you enjoy in this blog :) yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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January 2013
February 2013